Equitable Engagement


Journals + Reports

Blogs + Newsletters




Spectrum of Community Engagement to Ownership, Facilitating Power

Fund Development


Decolonizing Wealth by Edgar Villanueva

Emergent Strategy by adrienne marie brown

Fundraising For Social Change by Kim Klein

The Revolution Will Not Be Funded by INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence

Journals + Reports

The 2021 Bank of America Study of Philanthropy: Charitable Giving by Affluent Households

Philanthropy Always Sounds like Someone Else by Donors of Color

Donors: Understanding the Future of Individual Giving By Neon One

Funding Movement Infrastructure Brief, Building Movement Project

Blogs + Newsletters

Blogs to subscribe to:

Community Centric Fundraising

Nonprofit AF

Nonprofit Marketing Guide

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

Resource Generation

Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)

Stanford Social Innovation Review

Liberatory Decision Making - The Advice Process

Wright Collective


Blogs posts to read:

Bringing Donors into the Movement

It’s Time to Stop Coddling Our Donors: How Radical Transparency Makes Us Stronger

Why Raising Funds Should Not be the Primary Goal of Fundraising

How Autostraddle Went from the Edge of Closure Toward a Robust (and Successful!) Community-Centric Donor Model, During a Pandemic!

The Fact-Based Fallacy of Accountability to Donors

Take a Lesson from Legos: Donor-Centric Fundraising Doesn’t Have to be in Opposition to Community-Centric Fundraising

Current Fundraising Practices & Philosophies are Harmful

A Graphic Revisioning of Nonprofit Overhead

The Issue of Racism in the Fundraising Profession

Building Movements, Not Organizations

Shifting Philanthropy from Charity to Justice

How to Recognize and Prevent Bottom Line Mentality in Fundraising

Toward a new gospel of wealth


Existing Board Model is Archaic

Stop Saying 80% of Nonprofit Funding Comes from Individual Donors

Radically Shifting Leadership

Paid in Full

Why I Hate Endowment Campaigns

Does Giving Donors Stuff Make Them Give More Money


The Secret to Better Storytelling for Social Change: Better Partnerships

Inequality and Philanthropy


Podcasts to subscribe to:

Collective Impact Forum

The Ethical Rainmaker

Idea Cast- Harvard Business Review

The Influential Nonprofit

Podcast episodes to listen to:

Is Community-Centric Fundraising Still Working Two Years Later? w/ Rachel D’Souza Siebert and Henry Ramos

Modern Fundraising: Community Centric Fundraising Movement with Rachel D’Souza-Siebert. A Modern Nonprofit Podcast


Revolutionizing Fundraising, Grant Giving and Philanthropy: Community-Centric Fundraising.

Reimagining Success in Nonprofit Work: How Systems Change Can Drive Vision Forward

Reclaiming Democracy in Philanthropy, SSIR

Characteristics of White Supremacist Culture

The Way We Think About Charity is Dead Wrong


CCF Aligned Actions

Org Culture + Equity